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海洋公園簡介海洋公園位於香港島南面,是香港最主要的旅遊點之一,於1977年1月開幕。公園所佔的87公頃土地是政府免費撥出,興建及營運費用則由香港賽馬會資助。海洋公園是國際上最受歡迎的的海洋主題公園,每年遊客逾300萬。 海洋公園建於南塱山,遊客可乘登山纜車往來山頂和山腳的景點。登山纜車全程1.5公里,共有252台纜車不停運行,每小時可載客4,000人次。遊客安坐纜車,只需8分鐘便可到達另一端,沿途還可俯覽深水灣和香港仔美景。 假如不乘纜車,便只有從大樹灣入口處乘室外自動扶手電梯登山。這條全球最長的室外有蓋扶手電梯每小時載客量為4,000人次,全長225米,沿30度角的斜坡攀山,十分刺激(假如您不怕高),而且可飽覽南區風光。 海洋公園的園區分兩大部份,【綠野花園】【兒童王國】【海洋世界】【機動城】【急流天地】【雀鳥天堂】【集古村】等七大主題景區。 Brief introduction of ocean park of ocean park is in the south of the Hong Kong Island, it is one of the main tourist spots of Hong Kong, opened in January of 1977. 87 hectares of land accounted for in park are allocated free by the government, build and operate the expenses and is sponsored by Hong Kong horse-racing. Ocean park is the most popular marine theme park in the world, annual visitors exceed 3 million. Building it on the south mountain in ocean park, visitors can take the exchanged mountaintop of cable car of mountaineering and beauty spot of the foot of the hill. Mountaineering cable car whole journey is 1.5 kilometers, 252 cable cars in all are operated 4,000 persons ceaselessly, can carry passenger. Visitors Ann take the cable car, only taking 8 minutes can reach another end, can also bow and look at the deep water and gulf and Aberdeen beautiful scenery on the way. If does not take the cable car, ride outdoor escalator mountaineering only from entry to the gulf of the large tree. The in the world a most long one is it overlay handrail lift handling capacity of passengers per hour for 4,000 person to have outdoors, total length is 225 meters, climb the mountain along the slope of angle of 30 degrees, irritate very much (if you are not afraid high) ,And can enjoy the south district scene. The garden of ocean park distinguishes two major parts, [such scenic spots of seven major themes as green wild flower garden ] [children's kingdom ] [the marine world ] [flexible city ] [the torrent world ] [sparrow's bird's paradise ] [Middle Kingdom ].
The ocean park brief introduction ocean park is located the island south of Hong Kong to face, is the most main tour of Hong Kong to order it a, open in January of 1977.87 hectare lands that the park has are the governments are free to stir, building and operating expenses is then subsidize by horse-racing in Hong Kong.The ocean park is international up the most popular of of ocean theme park, the visitor overs every year 3,000,000. The ocean park sets up in the south Lang mountain, the visitor can ride the mountain climbing cable car contacts summit of hill and the beauty spot of the foot of a hill.Climb mountain the cable car whole distanceses 1.5 kilometers, have 252 cable cars and don't stop movement totally, the per hour can carry a guest 4,000 people.The visitor sits idly cable car, only needing 8 minutes can arrive another then on carrying, along the road can also the Fu look at the deep water gulf and Hong Kong Zi lovely view. If don't ride cable car, only ride the outdoors auto arm-rest elevator mountain climbing entrance from the big tree gulf then.The most long outdoors in this world has the cover arm-rest elevator per hour to carry a guest to measure for 4,000 people, all growing 225 meters, the slope that follows 30 degrees corn climbs mountain, stimulate(if you aren't afraid and high) very much, and satisfied look at south area scene. 2007-01-28 12:47:02 補充: If don't ride cable car, only ride the outdoors auto arm-rest elevator mountain climbing entrance from the big tree gulf then.The most long outdoors in this world has the cover arm-rest elevator per hour to carry a guest to measure for 4000 people, all growing225 2007-01-28 12:47:27 補充: meters, the slope that follows 30 degrees corn climbs mountain, stimulate(if you aren't afraid and high) very much, and satisfied look at south area scene. 2007-01-28 12:47:50 補充: The park of the ocean park distinguishes analyse two most partses, the green pasture garden ,child's Kingdom ,the ocean world ,mobile city ,the rushing current world ,the Qiao bird heaven ,gather ancient village ,wait for seven greatest topic view areas. 2007-01-28 12:50:20 補充: http://www.oceanpark.com.hk/eng/main/index.html