1.太平山 2.星光大道 3.淺水灣 4.海洋公園 5.露天市場 6.黃大仙祠 7.香港仔 8.大嶼山大佛及寶連寺 9.天星小輪 10.香港迪士尼樂園
1. Victoria Peak/ The Peak 2. avenue of stars 3. replusebay 4. ocean park 5. open-air market 6. Wong Tai Sin Temple 7. Aberdeen 8. Po Lin Temple and the Big Budda on lantau island 9. Star ferry 10. Hong Kong Disneyland
1. Portland Street 2. Square street 3. Shanghai Street 4. Tonnochi Road 5. Temple Street 6. Tien MEn Toi Road All has delicious chicken|||||1.The Peak 太平山山頂 2Avenue of Stars 3Repulse Bay 4Ocean Park 5唔知係邊個 6Wong Tai Sin Temple 7Aberdeen 8Big Buddha Po Lin Monastery 9Star Ferry 10Hong Kong Disneyland|||||1.Hong Kong Victoria Peak 2.the Avenue of Stars 10Hong Kong disneyland 2007-06-07 21:44:03 補充: 4.Ocean Park|||||4.Ocean Park 海洋公園 8.Lautau Island buddha 大嶼山大佛及寶連寺 9.Star Ferry 天星小輪 10.Hong Kong Disneyland Park 香港迪士尼樂園 6.Wong Tai Sin temple 黃大仙祠 2007-06-08 20:03:24 補充: 3. Repluse Bay 淺水灣 2007-06-08 20:04:18 補充: 7.Aberdeen 香港仔 2007-06-08 20:05:02 補充: 2.Avenue of Stars 星光大道 2007-06-08 20:06:18 補充: 1. Victoria Peak/ The Peak太平山5.open-air market.露天市場|||||1. Peak 2. 3. Repluse Bay 4. Ocean Park 5. 6. Wong Tai Sin temple 7. Aberdeen 8. Laptau Island Buddist & Po Lin temple 9. Star Ferry 10. H.K. Disneyland