- 利用平方差的恆等式,因式分解下列各多項式。
- a-maths!!!!!
- 多啦A夢 有沒英文版本-
- A Chemistry Question.....
- gundam seed O.M.N.I vs Z.A.F.T
寫出e的用途 不要抄website,因為不明!! 更新: 不要只有兩三句 更新 2: e is "common log" 更新 3: 再答D廢話既就會被檢舉
我只知e可以用在 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+........1/n=什麼上 1+1/2+1/3+1/4+........1/n=0.5772156649 + ln(n) ln(n)在計數機上有 即 log n / log e 0.5772156649是一無窮小數(オイラー数 γ 0.5772156649 )
The first number to be proven transcendental, without having been specifically constructed, was e. The proof is not difficult to be understood even for F.5 students. (Transcendental number, 超越數) The power of e and logarithm of e arise naturally in many physical science. In fact, the power of e, f(x)=e^x , is a very nice function since it remains unchanged upon differentiation (微分). Besides, any function describing degeneracy (衰退) is of the form g(x) =Ae^(-Bx) where A and B are positive constants.|||||我諗e=代數~~