





我同個friend會係1/5至4/5去宿霧自由行, 住Plantation Bay Resort, 搭CX早去晚返 1) 自由行有咩野要特別注意? 2) 呢4日嘅行程應該點樣安排會係最盡用呢? 3) 我想出海潛水同埋玩水上活動, 可以點安排? 係咪可以經酒店幫手安排? 如果經酒店, 要之前係香港book定, 定係可以去到先搞? 4) 我想做spa, 係酒店做定係有其他選擇? 價錢大概點樣? 5) 出去town搭的士貴唔貴? 6) 宿霧有咩景點? 有冇得shopping? 有咩係必食嘅野? 夜晚有冇消遣?


I just came back , we went there 5 person in 1 room(club room)super fun , the room is wonderful. The frieht is 8:00a.m. , We send the laugage to the hotel at the counter just in front of immegration. Then take a meter taxi at the upstair to Ayala, only1XXp.Have lunch at foodcourt can try Phi. style. Then buy the breakfast and drinks at the supermarket, take taxi to resort 170p,45mins. I met a travel agent there . He is h.k. people. He is so nice, we just US75/per go island hopping with lunch for a day, Bohol is cheaper. he even give us a phone card to use there. Never book at hotel , its even more expensive than Maldives. I have the price list. Seafood there is really good and cheap. Buy dry mangoes at supermarket. Take taxi tell them use meter.E me I can give you the HKagent and Phi. agent contact or see my photo there. 2008-04-16 18:07:31 補充: change money at woldwide bldg. in Hong Kong is the best.


多謝你呀...你俾嘅資料好詳細同有用, 我會好好plan下個行程|||||1. 帶少少急用葯物. 其他冇乜特別. 因為你多數時間會係酒店都好安全 2. 我啱啱返來, 所以可以比d意見你. 第一日到酒店, 可以休息下, 欣賞下景晚. 食個lucnh buffet , 約hkd130/head + 10%. 第二日可以出海浮潜. 可以到個日係酒店預定. 非常方便. 出海係下午3點前返到酒店. 跟住你可以 call 酒店車出去 down town. 包接送就係1340peso, 約hkd234. 方便安全. 包接包送. 好過叫taxi. 第三日可以整個city tour, 出去市區或者名勝睇. 佢有local tour. 但我地因為時間比較緊, 得3天兩夜, 就冇去到. 第四日可以游下水同埋係酒店做spa. 3. spa 有套餐. 我地选咗個peso 5000的套餐, 三個鐘 15 min. pool side massage 45 min. body scrub 120 min. full body massage 環境好正 好舒服 手勢都不錯 4. 有兩個shopping mall. one is AYALA, one is SM AYALA 遠D, 來回要兩個鐘. 但好行D SM近D, 但冇咁好行 5. 酒店自助早餐比較貴. 約HKD200/HEAD.所以可以叫ROOM SERVICE, HKD100一份加10%. 稍微抵食D 總之, 環境一流, FOOD都OK. 但酒店入面相對貴D. 但都值....
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