





我要去訪問D外國人! 不過就唔多知英文應該點講! 首先開始要同佢咩? 然後就係問問題...... 例如:請問你從那裡來? 請問你覺得這裡的景色如何? 請問你這麼辛苦上到來,現在的感受/感覺又是怎樣? ................. 你可不可以幫我寫在這問卷上? 想問下各位,仲有D咩問題可以加上去? 因為我都係第一次做呢D野,所以請各位指教下我! 先多謝你地!


Excuse me, my name is XXX and i am doing an interview about XXX. Would you mind sparing a few minutes? (答No即係唔介意, 答Yes即係介意) Which country are you from? How do you think about the scenery here in Hong Kong? What is your feeling now having climbed up here? Would you please spell it for me? (可唔可以串俾我聽?) Would you please write it down for me? (可唔可以寫出來?) 其他問題: What is your favourite tourist spots in Hong Kong? Why? (你最喜歡香港邊個景點? 為什麼?) Why do you choose Hong Kong as your destination? (為什麼選擇來香港旅遊?)


首先: Excuse me, My name is xxx from (where you live). Would you mind to spend a few minutes for a short interview? 外國人: Yes/ No若話yes甘可以繼續下去,若no甘你講: No problem或That's okay (sir/madam), thanks. 1. Where are you come from? 2. How do you like it here? 3. Having been travelling such height, how are you feeling right now? Could you fill in this questionnaire for me please? 仲有你可以問下: How do you get here?(你怎樣來到這裏的?Ans可能係巴士/的士etc.) Is this your first time to visit this place? (第一次來嗎?) What do you like best here?(你最喜歡這裹的什麼?) Would you like to come here again? (你會重臨此地嗎?) 希望幫到你Do拉~~

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