



我想問下大家... 有冇健康食物既餐單???? 要英文... THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!





MON 麥飽 1 片 香蕉 1 隻 脫脂奶 1 杯 魚蛋米粉/麵 1 碗(免選河粉) 灼菜 1 碟(少許蠔油,走油) 清菜 (或) 白飯半碗至大半碗 蒸魚 (魚肉 2 匙) 西蘭花炒蝦仁(少油) 西蘭花 (2 碗) 蝦仁 (4 克) 橙 1 個 TUE 麥飽 1 片 香蕉 1 隻 脫脂奶 1 杯 火腿什菜粒通粉(通粉 1 碗半) (火腿 1 片) (什菜粒 2 湯匙) 香蕉 1 隻 (或) 蘋果 1 個 壽司 : (甜蝦 1 件 三文魚 1 件 赤貝 1 件 八爪魚 1 件 墨魚 1 件 油甘魚 1 件) 綠色菜 1 碟 橙 1 個 WED 瘦肉粥 1 碗半 (或) 魚片粥 1 碗半 火雞肉三文治 (或) 吞拿魚 三文治 1 份 生果一個 白飯半碗至大半碗 煎豬扒(少油) 1 件 (豬扒約2兩或60g) 灼菜 1 碟 橙 1 個 TUE 火腿三文治 1 份 (走牛油 / 植物油) 栗米肉粒飯半碟 檸檬茶 1 杯(少甜) (或) 健怡汽水 1 罐 白飯半碗至大半碗 金針雲耳蒸雞 (雞去皮 4 件) 灼菜 1 碟 (少許蠔油) 蒸魚半碗 生果1個 WED 火腿通粉 1 碗半 雞扎 1 件 蝦餃 1 件 叉燒包 1 件 燒賣 1 件 鮮蝦腸粉 1 條 炒粉/麵/米/飯 1 碗 白飯半碗 鯪魚肉釀豆腐 (鯪魚肉約 30 克 板豆腐 1 件) 清炒白菜仔 1 碗 水果 1 至 2 個 THU 豬仔飽 1 個 無糖豆漿 1 杯 雲吞 / 水餃麵 / 米粉 1 碗 灼菜 1 碟 (少油少蠔油) 奇異果 1 個 FIR Pizza 1 件 (少芝士) 雜菜/雜果沙律 1 碗 檸檬菜蜜 1 杯 (少甜) 橙 1 個 SAT 雪菜肉絲米 1 碗 灼菜 1 碟(少油少蠔油) 健怡可樂 1 罐 蘋果 1 個 (或) 脫脂奶 1 杯 SUN 煎蛋 1 隻 火腿 1 片 多士 1 片 白飯半碗至 1 碗 肉片炒時菜 (豬肉/牛肉 4 - 5 件 時菜 1 碗) 蒸水蛋 半碗 橙 (或) 奇異果 1 個


Nutritional Protein Drink Mix Specially formulated with 8 grams of high-quality soy-protein (19 to 21 grams when milk is added) - Nutritional Protein Drink Mix will help you feel full and satisfied. It contains vitamins and minerals including antioxidant vitamins C and E. It also provides all the essential amino acids your boody need for good health Thermojetics Performace Protein Power Your body needs adequate protein daily for healthy weight manaement. Unfortunately, many dietary protein sources, including meat, cheese and nuts, are also high in unwanted fat and calories. Performance Protein Powder is a convenient, fat-free way to supplement dietary protein, helping you stay lean and fit -Boosts protein intake to help fight hunger, based on your needs -Includes high-quality soy and whey proteins -Helps maintain lean muscle mass -Unflavored and mixes easliy in shakes, soups and sauces Herbalifeline (Omega-3 fatty acids Herbalifeline if an excellent way to supplement your daily intake of Omega-3 fatty acids, eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) - A valuable source of Omega-3 fatty acids to promote good health - Omega-3 fatty acids help reduce joint discomfort - Supports healthy weight loss and heart health

    創作者 香港介紹ppt 的頭像


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