
我亞爸約65歲, 想知沙田區有冇提供男賓健身? 價錢大約多少? 入會有冇年齡限制?


我亞爸約65歲, 想知沙田區有冇提供男賓健身? 價錢大約多少? 入會有冇年齡限制? 謝謝! 更新: 其實講緊嘅係我亞爸, 成65歲人架啦, 為嘅唔係減肥, 只不過係佢想做下運動, 郁動下啫, 最重要係佢要學人做划艇機同跑步機, 所以唔需要貴囉, 謝!





Physical Beauty and Fitness Centre (舒適堡) - '舒適堡早在1986年於香港開辦第一間健美中心,迄今建立逾十七間分店,遍佈香港、國內、澳門,佔地總面積約55萬平方呎,擁有逾十萬名客戶,經營之規模、發展之速及投資之鉅,可謂同行之冠。' Address: Shatin Branch 沙田分店: 4/F., Citylink Plaza, Shatin Phone: 2609 2000 Fee: Lowest: 2 persons join together - $175 per month. Otherwise, the monthly fee for single person will be around $230-$350 depends on the plan you choose. Reference: http://www.physical.com.hk/about.asp?lang=1 P.S.: No age limited, but if you say your father is 65 years old, personally I suggest he go to consult doctor's professional advices first before he do any types of exercise/cardiovascular exercise. 2007-12-18 11:00:42 補充: If ya say so, you may consider join Physical together with your father and enjoy the lowest price advantage! 2007-12-18 11:01:03 補充: Besides, there are row machines and treadmills in Physical (Shatin Branch) as well. They are good for your father to use. Don't be worry ya or your father don't know how to use due to there are Fitness Instructor there for those of ya to ask for help, ask for how to use the machines. 2007-12-18 11:03:30 補充: May be Yahoo problems! Anyway, address: *****in = Shatin. Hope your father can enjoy the exercise and get the good health. 2007-12-18 11:04:47 補充: Shatin


去 join Physical 啦! 月費 二百幾 (no additional charges!),日日去又得。設施都唔錯 ,玩完沖埋涼先走。分分鍾連屋企水費可以節省些。有電視同雜誌睇,唔好話老人家,我們後生仔女都可以 hea 佢2、3個鍾。 同埋 D 阿伯除左去公園、行海皮.... 都冇o羊經濟實惠的地方去。我去開都見有D退休人仕玩,間唔時有D 仲有仔女陪伴!

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