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香港星光大道 (Avenue of Stars),是位於香港九龍尖沙咀東的海濱長廊。有關長廊本來已經存在,用以連接紅磡及尖沙咀。後來得到政府撥款4,000萬港元美化,並在2004年4月27日開幕。為表揚香港電影界的傑出人士,大道上有他們的手掌印,亦作為一個香港旅遊景點。 2005年11月27日,武打巨星李小龍的銅像在香港星光大道揭幕。銅像高2米,按照電影龍爭虎鬥的造型而製成,以紀念李小龍65歲冥壽。 目前在星光大道上留有姓名或手印的有: 1.黎民偉 2.林楚楚 3.胡蝶 舊上海電影皇后 4.邵逸夫 5.黃曼梨 6.朱石麟 7.曹達華 8.盧敦 9.岳楓 10.關德興 11.張活游 12.吳楚帆 13.新馬師曾 14.白燕 15.周璇 16.張瑛 17.李鐵 18.胡鵬 19.任劍輝 20.石堅 21.李麗華 22.白光 23.吳回 24.白雪仙 25.紅線女 26.秦劍 27.于素秋 28.梁醒波 29.鄧寄塵 30.鄧碧雲 31.芳艷芬 32.夏夢 33.林黛 34.胡楓 35.尤敏 36.謝賢 37.李翰祥 38.陸運濤 39.喬宏 40.林鳳 41.張徹 42.楚原 43.胡金銓 44.凌波 45.陳寶珠 46.蕭芳芳 47.馮寶寶 48.王羽 49.狄龍 50.姜大衛 51.何冠昌 52.鄒文懷 53.李小龍 54.吳思遠 55.許冠文 56.許冠傑 57.林青霞 58.洪金寶 59.成龍 60.吳宇森 61.袁和平 62.許鞍華 63.徐克 64.周潤發 65.張國榮 66.劉德華 67.李連杰 68.張曼玉 69.梅艷芳 70.梁朝偉 71.楊紫瓊 72.王家衛 73.周星馳 The Avenue of Stars (Chinese: 星光大道), modelled on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, is located along the Victoria Harbour waterfront in Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong. It honours celebrities of the Hong Kong film industry. The Avenue of Stars is the eastern node of several tourist attractions along the Tsim Sha Tsui waterfront. In addition to the promenade and New World Centre, a number of attractions exist including the Museum of Art, Space Museum, Cultural Centre and the Clock Tower. Entering from Salisbury Garden, a 4.5-metre-tall replica of the statuette given to winners at the Hong Kong Film Awards greets visitors. Along the 440 metre promenade, the story of Hong Kong's one hundred years of cinematic history is told through inscriptions printed on nine red pillars. Set into the promenade are plaques honouring the celebrities. Some plaques contain hand prints and autographs of the stars set in cement, but most of the plaques only contain celebrities' names as they are now deceased. The promenade commands a stunning panoramic view across Victoria Harbour. At night it is a popular viewing place for the Symphony of Lights display. Many tourists, particularly from mainland China, can be seen taking pictures along the Avenue during the weekends. List of stars 1 Mr. Lai Man Wai 2 Ms. Florence Lim 3 Ms. Butterfly Hu 4 Sir Run Run Shaw 5 Ms. Wong Man Lei 6 Mr. Zhu Shi Lin 7 Mr. Tso Tat Wah 8 Mr. Lo Duen 9 Mr. Griffin Yue Feng 10 Mr. Kwan Tak Hing 11 Mr. Cheung Wood Yau 12 Mr. Ng Cho Fan 13 Mr. Tang Wing Cheung 14 Ms. Pak Yin 15 Ms. Zhou Xuan 16 Mr. Cheung Ying 17 Mr. Li Tit 18 Mr. Wu Pang 19 Ms. Yam Kim Fai 20 Mr. Shek Kin 21 Ms. Li Li Hua 22 Ms. Bai Guang 23 Mr. Ng Wui 24 Ms. Pak Suet Sin 25 Ms. Hung Sin Nui 26 Mr. Chun Kim 27 Ms. Yu So Chow 28 Mr. Leung Sing Po 29 Mr. Tang Kei Chen 30 Ms. Tang Bik Wan 31 Ms. Fong Yim Fun 32 Ms. Miranda Yang 33 Ms. Linda Ching 34 Mr. Woo Fung 35 Ms. You Min 36 Mr. Patrick Tse Yin 37 Mr. Li Han Hsiang 38 Mr. Loke Wan Tho 39 Mr. Roy Chiao 40 Ms. Patricia Lam Fung 41 Mr. Chang Cheh 42 Mr. Chor Yun 43 Mr. King Hu 44 Ms. Ivy Ling Po 45 Ms. Connie Chan 46 Ms. Josephine Siao Fong Fong 47 Ms. Fung Bo Bo 48 Mr. Jimmy Wong Yue 49 Mr. Tommy Ti Lung 50 Mr. David Chiang 51 Mr. Leonard Ho Kwong Cheong 52 Mr. Raymond Chow 53 Mr. Bruce Lee 54 Mr. Ng See Yuen 55 Mr. Michael Hui 56 Mr. Sam Hui 57 Ms. Brigitte Lin Ching Hsia 58 Mr. Sammo Hung Kam Po 59 Mr. Jackie Chan 60 Mr. John Woo 61 Mr. Yuen Wo Ping 62 Ms. Ann Hui On Wah 63 Mr. Tsui Hark 64 Mr. Chow Yun Fat 65 Mr. Leslie Cheung 66 Mr. Andy Lau 67 Mr. Jet Li 68 Ms. Maggie Cheung 69 Ms. Anita Mui 70 Mr. Tony Leung Chiu Wai 71 Ms. Michelle Yeoh Choo Kheng 72 Mr. Wong Kar Wai 73 Mr. Stephen Chow


為了表揚香港電影界的傑出人士, 推動香港旅遊業的發展及鞏固香港作為「亞洲國際都會」的地方, 位於尖沙咀海濱長廊的香港「星光大道」於二零零四年四月二十七日舉行開幕典禮,並於翌日(四月二十八日)正式開放予市民和全球旅客參觀。 是次典禮由香港特別行政區財政司司長唐英年先生GBS, JP、經濟發展及勞工局局長葉澍先生GBS, JP、民政事務局局長何志平先生JP、香港旅遊發展局主席周梁淑怡議員GBS, OBE, JP、新世界集團主席鄭裕彤博士及香港電影金像獎協會主席文雋先生擔任主禮嘉賓,並主持亮燈儀式。 星光大道上獲嘉許及表揚的電影工作者,乃由香港電影金像獎協會及其屬會(包括電影雙周刊)以投票方式選出。 此後,香港電影金像獎協會將定期選出新增獲嘉許名單。 星光大道由新世界集團斥資四千萬港元興建,並獲得旅遊事務署、香港旅遊發展局、康樂及文化事務署及香港電影金像獎協會鼎力支持及全面參與。 To pay tribute to outstanding professionals of Hong Kong's film industry, to promote tourism industry, and to consolidate Hong Kong's position as Asia's World City, the Avenue of Stars which is located at the Tsim Sha Tsui Promenade was given a glittering official opening on 27 April 2004. It was opened to the public and visitors from all over the world from 28 April 2004 onwards. The officiating guests were The Hon Henry Tang, GBS, JP, Financial Secretary, The Hon Stephen Ip, GBS, JP, Secretary for Economic Development and Labour, Dr The Hon Patrick Ho, JP, Secretary for Home Affairs, The Hon Mrs Selina Chow, GBS, OBE, JP, Chairman of the Hong Kong Tourism Board, Dr Cheng Yu-tung, Chairman of New World Group, Mr Manfred Wong, Chairman of Hong Kong Film Awards Association Limited. They also conducted the symbolic switch-on ceremony. The Hong Kong Film Awards Association Limited, together with its member societies (including the City Entertainment Magazine), are responsible for the election of film professionals to be honoured at the Avenue of Stars. The Hong Kong Film Awards Association Limited will nominate film professionals as additions to the existing list on a regular basis in future. The Avenue of Stars is a HK$40 million project financed by the New World Group. The project is supported by Tourism Commission, Hong Kong Tourism Board, Leisure and Cultural Services Department, and the Hong Kong Film Awards Association Limited. 這些資料只是冰山一角,唔夠可到這個網站(有中英對照): www.avenueofstars.com.hk|||||每晚八時正開始激光表演,約半小時結束。

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