英國alevel升學選科問題~急~!!!20 點~!!!
我岩岩考完ce~ 想去英國升中6,7 讀alevel~ 但唔知揀咩科讀好~ 自己對好多科都有興趣~ 希望大個可以係商科方面發展或者揀一ddd多面對人gee工作~ 我依家對account,businessstudy, communicationstudy,englishlanguage , mediastudy,economicstudy同t&t都有興趣~ 可唔可以建議下我點揀~(唔係以上gee科都okay) 同埋講1講以上幾科係咩黎~ 可以學到ddd咩同埋可以做到ddd咩工作~ 唔該晒~!!!
First of all, if you are planning to work in Financial world, I suggest you should take accounting, business study and maths. Communication study, english langauge, media study and econonmic requires a lot of essay writing and you may struggle in the first term/year. With A-level, the most important thing is to get good grades, e.g. AAB minimum to get into a good university. Then as long as you are in top 10 universities, you are likely to end up a better job. With Accounting, business study, and Maths, you can then choose Account and Finance at University and then apply to work in Big 4 accountants (KPMG, PWC, Deloitte and EY) after your graduation. Good Luck.