"Prison Break"中既D.B Cooper ......
"Prison Break"中既D.B Cooper係唔係真有其人?
係0架....真係有D.B Cooper 呢個人存在... 佢0既事跡同Prison Break所講0既大致一樣, 不過有1個地方唔同0既係.... D.B Cooper 0既案件係到而家都未破0既...亦都無人知D.B Cooper 而家係邊~~ D. B. Cooper (aka "Dan Cooper") is a pseudonym given to a notorious aircraft hijacker who, on November 24, 1971, after receiving a ransom payout of $200,000, leapt from the back of a Boeing 727 as it was flying over the Pacific Northwest somewhere over the southern Cascades. No conclusive evidence has ever surfaced regarding Cooper's whereabouts, and several theories offer competing explanations of what happened after his famed jump. The only clues to have turned up in the case are ambiguous: around $5,800 that washed up on the banks of the Columbia River found by school children, and part of a sign believed to be from the rear stairway of the plane from which Cooper jumped. The nature of Cooper's escape and the uncertainty of his fate continue to intrigue people. Today, the Cooper case (code-named "Norjak" by the FBI[1]) remains unsolved. 有關D.B Cooper 0既資料你可以去 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/D.B._Cooper 睇下!!