如題, 請問鹵素燈對人體或眼有沒有害? 是用 75 W 14000K 用於魚缸上.
鹵素燈用既都係鎢絲, 不過氣體唔係惰性氣體而係鹵素, 如碘或溴. 和傳統燈膽最大既分別係溫度高d, 即係光譜同傳統燈膽一樣, 只係能量大, 即係光d同熱d. 熱, 即係有火警和燙傷危險啦. 健身美容照個d太陽燈都係鹵素燈, 就係利用佢既紫外線部分來晒黑皮膚. 照燈個陣唔搽防晒, 唔帶眼罩, 或超過時限, 係真係會灼傷皮膚同眼睛. 魚缸用既鹵素燈既光係穿透水時己經吸收左大部分, 而且佢係向下照住d水, 唔係打橫照入你隻眼, 你又唔係時時眼定定咁係缸邊踎低向上望, 所以估計傷害比太陽燈少好多. 不過你伸隻手入去攪個缸時就小心d唔好燙傷. 不過仲有樣野叫做日子有功... 你日日坐近個缸, 真係會晒黑左都唔定, 想美白d, 搽番d SPF15既太陽油先! 圖片參考:http://hk.yimg.com/i/icon/16/10.gif 下面既文章中話到, 有d鹵素燈會加上UV保護罩或塗層. 你可check下你支燈既說明書, 有就更加安全啦. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Halogen_lamp Because the halogen lamp operates at very high temperatures, it can pose fire and burn hazards. Additionally, it is possible to get a sunburn from excess exposure to the UV emitted by an undoped quartz halogen lamp. To reduce unintentional UV exposure, and to contain hot bulb fragments in the event of explosive bulb failure, general-purpose lamps usually have a UV-absorbing glass filter over or around the bulb. Alternatively, lamp bulbs may be coated to filter out the UV radiation. When this is done correctly, a halogen lamp with UV inhibitors will produce less UV than its standard incandescent counterpart.
鹵素燈可以用來整鹵水雞翼, 對人體係絕對有益無害