有D人話每日60mg就足夠有D人話每日200mg但係而家市面上有好多飲品呀,藥丸呀一日就食1000mg,成1個gram我知道維他命C預防感冒好好所以我有一排都真係日日都吞700~800mg既維他命C我發覺我真係就算d近我既人病晒我都未有事但係我又聽人講維他命C食得太多會痾嘔肚痛@@雖然我未試過---我真係唔想感冒因為我腸胃弱每次感冒之後一定連帶腸胃炎... 顯示更多 有D人話每日60mg就足夠 有D人話每日200mg 但係而家市面上有好多飲品呀,藥丸呀 一日就食1000mg,成1個gram 我知道維他命C預防感冒好好 所以我有一排都真係日日都吞700~800mg既維他命C 我發覺我真係就算d近我既人病晒我都未有事 但係我又聽人講 維他命C食得太多會痾嘔肚痛@@ 雖然我未試過 --- 我真係唔想感冒 因為我腸胃弱 每次感冒之後一定連帶腸胃炎 (我而家就係!) 就算唔係好辛苦都煩死我... 尤其而家感冒大流行... 所以我想學番以前咁食好多好多維他命C keep住自己身體好 等我可以有能力應付我的A-level~ 但係我又驚食得太多唔知會唔會有事 所以我想問下我可唔可以每日攝食1000mg既維他命C丸咁多?
Limited evidence suggests that intakes of vitamin C of 1000 mg daily or greater may produce toxic effects. In addition, gastrointestinal symptoms, especially diarrhea, may develop when intakes are excessive. When high intakes of vitamin C are consumed over long periods, the plasma level associated with appearance of the vitamin in the urine (renal threshold) is lowered to eliminate excess vitamin once tissue saturation levels have been achieved. Consequently, changing from high to low doses should be made gradually to avoid precipitation of a deficiency resulting from high urinary levels. The upper limit of safety for daily vitamin C intake established by the Food and Nutrition Board of the Institute of Medicine is approximately 1,000 mg for adults. pls refer to :http://www.feinberg.northwestern.edu/nutrition/factsheets/vitamin-c.html PS: You will find Vitamin C in fruits and vegetables. Try to eat varieties colors of vegetables everyday every meal. If you have a healthy meal, you don't really need to take any Vitamin C supplements. A healthy meal + A healthy life schedule+ A simple half hour exercises + A healthy thought, you do not have to rely on any supplements.